Board Of

Dr Nelson Sambureni-Board (51) – Chairman

A holder of a Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (D Lit et Phil), University of South Africa, 1997, MA, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, 1994, BA Honours , University of Zimbabwe, 1989 and several diplomas and certificates covering banking and human resources management. He holds professional membership with various bodies among them IPMZ, IOBZ and ZIRA. Dr Sambureni brings a vast of experience to the Advantage Health Board which was gained from both in Zimbabwe and outside Zimbabwe across various economic sectors. Among the portfolio he has held Managing Director of Goalbold Holdings incorporating Goalbold Asset Management, Finance House and Advisory Services & Raindrops Timbers (Pvt) Ltd, Chairperson of the Public Service Joint Negotiating Council & Health Services Negotiating Council (Principal Director level), Chairperson for the NEC Cotton Industry, Chairperson for NEC Detergents, Edible Oils and Fats Industry, Chairperson for the NEC Banking Industry, Director & Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Industrial and Labour Studies and Chairperson of the Department of Business Studies, Senior Manager – Organizational Development at Time Bank Zimbabwe, Consultant on Conflict transformation, human resource management, labour relations and change management, Part–time Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations at the Graduate School of Management, MBA Program, University of Zimbabwe and Midlands State University, Deputy- Director & Head of Labour Relations, Ministry of Labour, South African Government, Policy Analyst & Coordinator at the Centre for Policy Development, Evaluation and Management (CEPD), in Johannesburg, South Africa, Former lecturer at the Universities of South Africa, Natal and Zimbabwe, Arbitrator of labour disputes, Elections Officer, SA Govt, KwaZulu- Natal, 1994 amongst others. He is a Strategic thinker/ change- ready strategist who has also won several awards in his career including the Killie Campbell Research Award, South African National Society in 1993. His vast experience and knowledge will certainly be valuable to the Advantage Health Board.

Professor Auxilia Chideme-Munodawafa (65)

Professor Auxilia Chideme-Munodawafa is a qualified Nurse Midwife and Scientist, who graduated from Mpilo Central Hospital with a General Nurse diploma in 1969, a Midwifery diploma in 1978 from Harare Hospital, and a Nursing Administration diploma in 1989 from Parirenyatwa hospital. She has over 45 years of working in health care delivery systems from bedside nursing to top level management in Zimbabwe and in USA. She also holds about 15 years of academic experience and has taught in various health care programs at Universities in Zimbabwe and in Cleveland Ohio, USA.

Professor Chideme-Munodawafa obtained her graduate education from USA. She graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a BSN/Nursing Science in 1994; and a PhD in Nursing in 2007. She was awarded scholarships by WK Kellogg to study for both degrees. She then lived in Cleveland Ohio post PhD graduation for over 10 years before re-locating to Zimbabwe in 2010. She had been recruited by Africa University as Professor, becoming the 1 st and the only Nursing Professor in Zimbabwe until 2017. She was appointed as Assistant Dean 2012-2016, again becoming one of the 2 nurses to rise to Deanship level in Zimbabwe.  Professor Auxilia Chideme-Munodawafa has just been appointed to the Health Service Board of Zimbabwe on the 26 th June 2018 as fulltime and Vice Chairperson to the board. She has also served on several boards, both nationally and internationally; Nationally, The Zimbabwe Cancer Registry Advisory Board, 2010 – to Current, The Mutare Hospice Advisory Board 2010-2017, The Zimbabwe Open University Board; 2014-2017, chairing the Quality Assurance and Staff Development committee; Africa University Board, 2016-2017, serving on the Audit Committee. Internationally, she served on the Notre Dame College Board, USA, 2008-2010, The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission for Universities, USA, 2004-2010; The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) 1996- 2004 representing Africa and the Middle East, The Gynecology and Neonatal Health Editorial Board, ISNCC- 2010-2014 chairing the staff Development committee; These Board memberships have seen her travel extensively to countries such as England, Israel, Norway, Australia, Abu Dhabi, Brazil – Rio De Janeiro, Canada, Singapore, to name but a few for conferences and research activities.

She is a member of the Zimbabwe Nurse Midwives, a Member of the East Central and Southern College of Nurses through the Zimbabwe Nurses Association, The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care and a member of the Ohio Hospice and Palliative Care Associations.

Batanayi Colletta Mapinde-Gwangwawa (34)

Batanayi has over 10 years’ experience in Development work, particularly project design and implementation, experienced in establishing volunteer led programmes. A holder of an MSc Development Studies 2010 (NUST), BSc Sociology 2007 (UZ), Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation 2006 (UZ), Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling (2006) UNISA and an Executive Certificate in Strategic HIV/AIDS Projects  Management. She is currently a social mobilizer consultant with GIZ since 2013 as well as the country sociologist for The SADC Groundwater Management Project intermittent input since 2011. Her key skills are Social Mobilisation, Stakeholder and Community Engagement which has seen her  successfully spearheading new project ideas such as The Norton Ring-main Projects, successfully implemented a prepaid water kiosk project for Johannesburg and Maridale, rehabilitated Mahombekombe Ablution Blocks in Kariba, implemented groundwater harvesting techniques and HIV policy implementation, Gender Mainstreaming, and Conflict Resolution. Batanai has key interest in various projects including woman, children and vulnerable groups, human rights activism as well as donate a shoe campaign.

Dr Ponesai Nyika(39)

Dr Nyika is a Medical Practitioner and Public Health Specialist with extensive knowledge and experience in the health services delivery systems particularly in Zimbabwe but also regionally and globally. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Degree (MBChB) and a Masters in Public Health Degree (MPH), both from the University of Zimbabwe, and a Certificate in Project Management. He is currently studying towards a PhD in Public Health with the University Of KwaZulu Natal South Africa. He is a registered member of the Medical and Dental Practitioners Council (MDPCZ), Zimbabwe Medical Association (ZIMA) and the College of Public Health Physicians of Zimbabwe (CPHPZ).

Dr Nyika has over 14 years’ experience in the provision of health services in both the public and private sectors. He joined the Ministry of Health and Child Care as a graduate Medical Doctor in 2004 and rose through the ranks to become Medical Superintendent in 2007. In 2008, he was promoted to the position of District Medical Officer before rising to Deputy Director for Health Information and Surveillance at the ministry’s headquarters in 2012. Here, he revolutionized Zimbabwe’s national health information and data systems, integrating many reporting systems into one and introducing various electronic reporting systems including the now nationally used DHIS 2 online reporting system. Because of his exploits, he won the United States’ International Visitors Program (IVLP) award which saw him travel to the United States to meet other global health leaders. He was then promoted to the position of Director Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in which position he set up a new M&E department, coordinating the various M&E functions of the ministry. He then joined the United States’ Centres for Disease Control (CDC), as a Public Health Specialist, a position he currently holds.

Dr Nyika is an executive director of Oswald Medical Centre, a private limited company that owns medical facilities and is also into pharmaceutical wholesale. He is also an executive director of Lion Power Investments, a group of retail and construction companies and is a shrewd entrepreneur who is focused and hardworking. He enjoys time with family, playing chess, soccer and working out in the gym. He is quite outgoing as well, and particularly loves camping in the jungle.